Change Display Settings

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Change Display Settings

To Display to your Smartboard and Extend to your external monitor

  1. Go to your desktop

  2. Right-Mouse Click

  3. Select Display Settings


  • You will scroll and see the various displays that are connected.  Here there are  displays.  Laptop and an external monitor.   Some rooms will have 3 if they have a smartboard AND an external monitor.


  1. Select the Monitor that you want to “Extend” to (this would be your external monitor)

  2. Then Scroll down and click the arrow on the Multiple Displays


  • Laptop and Smartboard - you’ll want to DUPLICATE

  • Laptop and External Monitor - you’ll want to EXTEND

If your external monitor is #2 (you’ll select #2 and then choose Extend to this display)

If your external monitor is #3 (you’ll select #3 and then chose Extend to this display)

The Smartboard display will be “Duplicate these displays”



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