Smart Notebook Extend Page Not Available

  • Unfortunately, for version 23 the Extend Page feature is no longer available. 
  • We understand that missing features can impact user experience, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.
  • Notebook 23 now features a 16:9 (Wide Screen) canvas by default as all our displays are designed for this resolution.
  • This can also cause printouts to come out blurry when printing a file that uses the Extended Page feature.
While we hope you will use and enjoy the extra screen available to create your new activities the Extended Page feature is still accessible. In fact, we have a quick solution. In SMART Notebook 23, you can conveniently switch back to Notebook 22 to access the feature. Here's how:

  • Open SMART Notebook 23.
  • Click on "View" in the menu.
  • Select "Notebook 22.2

  • The file will open in SMART Notebook 22 (version 22.2), allowing you to access the deprecated feature, and should print clearly your files.
We hope this solution will assist you in smoothly transitioning to the new version while still maintaining the functionality you require. Please be aware that in SMART Notebook 23 for Windows, some features have been deprecated, while others are undergoing improvements and will be reintroduced in a future release. 
Also, for this reason, I would encourage the teacher who is using SMART Notebook 20 to update their software in order to resolve the issue she is experiencing and have access to all the amazing features of SMART Notebook 23.1 .
Thank you