Special Programs - Student Not Visible to Teacher Despite SIS Being Correct - Potential Fix

This is an issue that I have noticed with some students, I believe there was an intermittent issue with the rollover in sis and sp. It has only been about 10 students this year so I believe it was a backend issue. 

Students who have an exit date set to the previous year will not show in ps, or if they do show, there may be issues such as staff being unable to edit their documents or assign to a caseload. 

Login to sp and navigate to students profile. Then, under enrollment you should see "Enrollment exit date". 

If this date is in the past, teachers will not be able to see the student. To change, navigate to the top of the students profile and hit edit

Then navigate to the enrollment exit date field, and either set it to the known correct date in the future, or delete it entirely. Hit accept changes and then the student should show. 

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