Special Programs - Security Groups - Breakdown and how to Assign Users

This article assumes you are logged in with an administrator account with privileges to assign security groups. If you believe you should have the ability to do so and cannot please contact the tech department. 

How to assign/change groups

1. Search for staff by clicking the search icon in the top menu bar

2. click on profile icon of staff profile

3. click security and then edit security 

4. click the box of the appropriate security group and then click accept. 


To view security groups, login in to pssp and hit administration - security

click on the bold title of a group to see permissions ex. Please use this method as the most reliable and accurate way to view and understand privileges. The following is just a quick breakdown of the existing groups. They are of course subject to change.

Switch over to the members tab next to privileges to see who is in what group.

*Please note you will not see the "central admin" group unless you are signed in with the admin role

504 Group

This group was created for staff that need district access to special education document. It was originally centered around 504s but then was expanded to other documents. It was also used for staff who were helping enter documentation into special programs during initial onboarding, and nurses in the district. It also allows for importing of general ed students. 

Building Admins

This group was created for staff that that are building administrators. It allows the, to view students and their documents system wide. They can edit caseload for staff system wide. They can also add and edit curriculum which I am not sure is used at all. Other than that all their permissions are view permissions (view documents, students, staff, etc). 

Central Admins

Staff in the central admin group have full permissions inside pssp. This group should be left for district level special education administrators only. You can pretty much do anything when in this group so please be careful. This is the only group that can finalize documents. To assign people to this group, you must assume the system admin role. Click on the link to see how to do so. 

District Wide Therapist

Very similar to the 504 groups with less permissions. They cannot import students from gen ed, edit grades, edit contacts, and a few other minor things that were decided at the time of onboarding. Again view the privileges in the system for a comprehensive list. This group is given to therapists in the district.

Name of Building(ex. Lynnfield High School)

These groups all have the same permissions but are based on the building. staff in this group can only see students that are assigned to the building they are assigned to (in SIS). They have location based view access to special education students in their building, and can create and edit documents for those students. They can also edit their own caseload. (pretty much everyone can do this, different that being a case manager which would be assigned by central admins. caseload is pretty much just something that is used to help the user quickly see students they work with). In general there are limited permissions here. 

General Education Staff

This group has the least permissions. It only gives view access to students that are attached to a class in powerschool sis, that the staff member is also attached to. All teachers and staff should be in this group, as it lets them see all of the special ed documentation (504s, Ieps, etc) for students in their classes, but ONLY those students. Since teachers and staff are using powerschool anyway, this is the easiest way to do that.